دمج إختبارات انجلش الصف الثامن الفصل الثاني تحديثات 2022

دمج إختبارات انجلش الصف الثامن الفصل الثاني مع نموذج الإجابة الرسمي -- محلول --  وذلك  محدث حتى 2022

English exam grade 8 sem. 2
رابط التحميل :: 

تحميل اختبارات جديدة في مادة اللغة الانجليزية 

اختبار تجريبي للصفين السابع والثامن


تظهر الدرجة للطالب مباشرة بعد إرسال الحل

Narrative Writing
How to Write a correct Story
SET/ Ghaliya AL Rushaidi

Al Khlil Bin Shathan School (5 – 9)
Practice your
  by/transport/tickets/and/have to/travel/holiday/are/as/expensive
 1/Europe andAfrica
2/they are easier to book and with suitable price
6/swimming and mountain climbing


 Increasing muscle strength, increasing a person's ability to self-discipline.  Improves concentration skills, perseverance, and persistence.  Playing football is one of the effective ways to increase one's self-confidence and enhance the sense of self-esteem.
  Yes, I agree. All boys love football very much because it has many benefits. Among these benefits is increasing bone strength. Football is considered one of the games that have a great role in increasing the strength and density of the bones of the body, reducing body fat.
 Writing 1
yes I agree that every body likes watching TV for many reasons. First reason is people can get benefits from different types of programs. Second reason is they can spend their free time by enjoying to watch what they like. Third reason is they can know what happen around the world.
  Writing 1
yes I agree that every body likes watching TV for many reasons. First reason is people can get benefits from different types of programs. Second reason is they can spend their free time by enjoying to watch what they like. Third reason is they can know what happen around the world.
  Last year, I went to Salalah for fun.  We arrived at noon and ate lunch.  Then we went to the hotel and slept because the road was very tiring.  On the second day we went to see the mountains and others.  We saw the water.

انجليزي للصف الثامن الفصل الثاني - Evaluative writing lesson objectives grade 8 B

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4 تعليقات

  1. نريد اختبارات انجليزي للفصل الثاني صف ثامن

    1. كيف امتحان الانجليزي؟

  2. لا باس به.

  3. هذا الفصل الاول او الثاني


أهلا بك في موقع عُمان التعليمية - نرحب بنشر تعليقاتك البناءة و مساهماتك الطيبة - دائما نستمع بإهتمام لطلباتكم وآرائكم .. بالتوفيق