باقة من برزنتيشنات سهله وجميله ومفيدة ف نفس الوقت..

باقة جديدمن من العروض الانجلزية في التقديم القصيرة للطلاب والطالبات - موضوعات متنوعة ومختلفة وجديدة -- new presentation

Wild life……الحياه في البريه

Whales are found in most seas, but all the large species of whales are in danger of becoming extinct. Although whales are protected by the international agreement, they are hunted by the whaling countries Japan, Norway and others for their oil and whale's oil and musk, pet food and fertilizers. How caught whales are cashed by fast catcher boats then are killed with weapons, guns. After that they are taken to factory ships.\Finally they are cut up $$$$$d and turned in to oil.


A letter to a party……..رساله دعوه لرحله

Dear hanan,
I am inviting some friends on my birthday party next week on friend night, at 8 pm in my house.//It's going to be an amazing birthday party. There will be some music equipment which we are going to play on, so we can sing and dance. //At the end of the party, we are going to get out to garden to play and grill some steaks. //So you are invited to my birthday party, if you want to bring your small sister because there will be a funny clown and some thing to children.
See you soon.


Childhood memories.........ذكريات الطفوله

When I was eight I used to live in the same house as I do now. ALi, Mohammed, and Noor used to be my best friends. I used to like chocolate, Pizza and ice cream, but I didn't used to like fish or rice and I never used to drink milk. Barbie used to be my favorite toy, which I like to spend long time playing with it. The water garden, Adari park and Salmania park used to be my favorite places. //But I used to hate to go to school and hospitals. When I was little I used to like riding bikes. Swimming and watching T.V and I always wanted to be a doctor.


Responsibilities at home……المسؤليات في المنزل

Every person in this world has lots of responsibilities to do and I am one of them. For example I have to look after my little sister and help my younger sister with her homework. I also have to give my father the shopping list and I have to do lots of homework. Some times I have to help my mother with $$$$$ng and shopping but I don't have to wash the dishes or to clean the garden. In my opinion I think it's good to have responsibilities because this will help me in future when I have my own houses and kids.\ I don't always fulfill my responsibilities because I sometime have lots of homework to do. When this happens my mother shouts at me.

Free time…… وقت الفراغ

On school days I don't get long free time because of too much homework I have to do. I usually get two free hours every day. Then I can do what I like. I thing that watching T.V programmers is more interesting than watching video films. In my opinion, I think reading magazine is enjoyable and it's boring to read books and newspaper. I like to spend my holiday with my family; we usually go together to shopping center and some times to the cinema. On weekend, I prefer to visit my friend and spend lovely time with hear in her house.

to a party ……..رساله دعوه لرحله

Dear hanan,
I am inviting some friends on my birthday party next week on friend night, at 8 pm in my house.//It's going to be an amazing birthday party. There will be some music equipment which we are going to play on, so we can sing and dance. //At the end of the party, we are going to get out to garden to play and grill some steaks. //So you are invited to my birthday party, if you want to bring your small sister because there will be a funny clown and some thing to children.
See you soon.

Childhood memories.........ذكريات الطفوله

When I was eight I used to live in the same house as I do now. ALi, Mohammed, and Noor used to be my best friends. I used to like chocolate, Pizza and ice cream, but I didn't used to like fish or rice and I never used to drink milk. Barbie used to be my favorite toy, which I like to spend long time playing with it. The water garden, Adari park and Salmania park used to be my favorite places. //But I used to hate to go to school and hospitals. When I was little I used to like riding bikes. Swimming and watching T.V and I always wanted to be a doctor.

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مواضيع جاهزة - عروض برزنتيشن شفوية Oral Presentations

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