برزنتيشن كيف تمنع انتقال عدوي فيروس كورونا وتحمي نفسك

 تقرير انجليزي قصير كيف نحمي انفسنا من انتشار عدوي الفيروسات الحديثة مثل فيروس كورونا المنتشر في الصين والعديد من الدول الاوروبية والدولية

برزنتيشن كيف تمنع انتقال عدوي فيروس كورونا وتحمي نفسك

new strain of coronavirus (2019-nCoV) reported globally, you may be worried about contracting this illness. Coronavirus is a potentially life-threatening family of viruses that cause conditions like the common cold, MERS, SARS, and other respiratory conditions. While coronavirus can be serious, taking preventative measures can help you protect your health in public, at home, and while caring for a sick person

Protecting Yourself Against Coronavirusn
احمي نفسك من فيروس كورونا 
  1. Wash your hands with soap and water to minimize your infection risk. 
  2. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth
  3. Stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing.
  4. Disinfect high-touch surfaces daily using a product that kills viruses.
  5. Try not to worry too much if you're not truly at risk.

Caring for a Sick Person
 الاجراءات عند نقل مريض كورونا او  حالة مشكوك فيها
  1. Wear disposable protective gear while providing care.
  2. Don’t share household items with the infected person.
  3. Wash all laundry on hot to disinfect it
  4. Open a window to ventilate the room if weather permits.

Avoiding Transmission from Animals
امنع انتقال العدوي من الحيوانات 
  1. Cook meat and eggs thoroughly to reduce the risk of infection.
  2. Limit your contact with live animals to lower the risk of transmission.
  3. Wash your hands immediately after handling live animals if you must.

     المصدر :: wikihow.com

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