برزنتيشن عن قارات العالم Continents of the world

 انجليزي :: موضوع قصير و تقديم للصفوف المختلفة عن قارات العالم السبع
القارة ، واحدة من سبع كتل أرضية كبيرة على سطح الأرض ، محاطة  بشكل رئيسي بالبحر وعادة ما تتألف من بلدان مختلفة.

Continent, one of the seven large landmasses on the Earth's surface, surrounded, or mainly surrounded, by sea and usually consisting of various countries. 

The Continents القارات
Africa, the Americas, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, together with Oceania, and Europe are considered to be continents.

The word continent is used to differentiate between various large land areas of Earth into which all the land surface of the planet is divided. The term refers to the 'mountain top' regions of the Earth not flooded by water, dry land.
The level of the surrounding water ultimately defines the shape and borders of continents. More water implies less land and different outlines. Even more water, like that stored away as ice in the poles and glaciers, and you might live on a water planet, no continents.

All right, then, a continent is "a large, continuous area of land on Earth." All continents of the Earth together make up about one-third of the total surface of the planet. The fact is, more than two-thirds of the Earth's surface is covered by water.

The landmasses of the Earth are unequally distributed, two-thirds of the continental landmass is located in the Northern Hemisphere (the upper half of the globe, north of the equator). 

sources :: nationsonline.org

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