برزنتيشن قصيرة مواضيع مختلفة short presentation

 مدونة عمان التعلمية تقدم مجموعة منوعة من البرزنتيشينات القصيرة مفيدية لكل الصفوف في الانجليزي --  في دقائق معدودة


تحدث عن نفسك

My name is Ashraq. I am from Nizwa. I am tall. I have black hair and black eyes. I like playing football. I don't like swimming. I like eating apples and banans. I don't like eating ice-cream.

تحدث عن عمان

 Oman is a beautiful country. It is big. It has many beautiful places for example schools, hospitals, hotels and parks. Muscat is the capital city of Oman. Omani people speak Arabic. Omani people wear a dishdash and a cap.

تحدث عن رحلة أو كيف قضيت الاجازة

last holiday I went to Muscat with my family. My father, my mother and my brothers were very happy. We went to the beach. My mother was cooking the food. My father was reading a book. My brothers were playing football. I was swimming. Finally we returned home.

تحدث عن وقت الفراغ free time

In my free time , I can do many things. First, I like reading books. My best book is Holy Quran. Seconed, I like swimming and watching films. Also I like helping my mother in cooking the food. I also like playing with my brothers  like football, basketball and tennis.

كيف تقضي يومك daily routine

I wake up at 7:00 in the morning. Then I brush my teeth and I have shower. After that I eat my breakfast with my family at 8:00. Next, I go with my friends and play football. At 9:00 I read abook or I watch cartoon in the TV. At 12:00 I eat my lunch. In the afternoon I help my mother. At 7:00  in the evening I eat my dinner. At 9:00 I read a story and then I sleep.


Eid is a very nice day. All people like it. On the day of Eid I wake up early. I say hello for my family. Then all the family wear new clothes . After that I and my family go to Al Eid prayer. Next we go to alayood. Then we visit all our family. My father gives money for children. Then we return home and slaught the goats. We make shwa. We are very happy

 هنا رابط باقة من 100 بريزينتيشن جديد ومميزة 


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10 تعليقات

أهلا بك في موقع عُمان التعليمية - نرحب بنشر تعليقاتك البناءة و مساهماتك الطيبة - دائما نستمع بإهتمام لطلباتكم وآرائكم .. بالتوفيق