- Date palm is the first crop in the Sultanate of Oman, a census, spread and an integrated agricultural and environmental system.
Therefore, it is a national wealth that affects the nation’s fabric with all its vocabulary, and affects the lives of citizens, directly and indirectly.
Hence, maximizing its economic, water, social and environmental returns is extremely important, especially if we consider its close connection to the aflaj system in Oman, since the system is well known throughout history for the good management of the water resource and the imposed method of multiple cultivation that aims to optimize the use of each drop of water and from The ecosystem produced by date palm cultivation and the associated agricultural villages formation and demographic distribution of citizens. Date palm occupies 83.2% of the agricultural area for fruit crops (101.4 thousand feddans) and the number of palm trees in the Sultanate according to the agricultural census 92/93 is about 8 m. Lyon Nakhla…
The dates sector also represents an economic and social importance for the rural community, as it guarantees an adequate income for the date producers and contributes to a major contribution to increasing the returns of available agricultural resources, especially in light of the circumstances and fluctuations that characterize the agricultural sector and the extent to which it is associated with the changes that have resulted in trade systems Global, and it is estimated that the Sultanate’s production of dates reached about 281 thousand tons in 1999, compared to about 173 thousand tons in 1994, and that the total value of this product was estimated at about 50 million Omani riyals
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