Modal Verbs of Obligation, Desirability and Necessity

للصف الثاني عشر الفصل الدراسي الثاني -- ثيم 2 

 الأفعال انمساعدة انتي تعطي معاوي الإجبار, انرغبت وانضرورة

1. Modals of Obligation (  ) الإجبار

{Have to, has to, had to, and must} + Base verb

 وجميعها يأتي بعدها فعم مجرد

 Present    {Have to/Has to} 

Past    had to

Must ( present ) can be the same or sometimes we can use ( had to ) instead.

Negative form

Have to = don’t have to

Has to = doesn’t have to

Had to = didn’t have to

Must = mustn’t

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