عناصر ‏كتابة ‏الإيميل ‏في ‏اللغة ‏الإنجليزية ‏مع ‏مقدمة ‏وخاتمة ‏للحفظ

*الايميل :*

المقدمه :
Dear Ahmed,
How are you? I hope you are all doing well.
I received your email yesterday.I read it and I knew what was in it.Thank you for sending that email.You cannot imagine how happy I was .

بداية الموضوع :
In your email you asked me to give you some advices to solve your problem. I think you should ...

الخاتمه :
Finally, I hope you enjoyed reading my email. Please write for me as soon as you can and tell me about your opinion at the advices. Give my greetings to your family. Keep in touch please.

Best wishes

إرسال تعليق

6 تعليقات

أهلا بك في موقع عُمان التعليمية - نرحب بنشر تعليقاتك البناءة و مساهماتك الطيبة - دائما نستمع بإهتمام لطلباتكم وآرائكم .. بالتوفيق