مهارة مهمة في الاختبار النهائي .. يجب الحرص على اتقانها فهي من صميم الاختبار ودرجاتها لا بأس بها .. - نماذج وتدريبات على مهارة الكتابة. السيرة الذاتية :- Biography examples
هذه امثلة من وحي الاختبار لطريقة كتابتها وفقا لما ورد في اختبارات سابقة
Write a biography about a writer called Robert Southey. Use ALL the information in the
Your paragraph should be correct and well-organised.
This biography is about a famous writer called Robert Southey. He was born in
1774 in England. He had got one brother. He wrote books and poems. Robert
Southey wrote the famous story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. He died in 1843.
I think Robert Southey was a great writer
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