حل اسئلة وتدريبات الانجليزي المنهج الجديد - الوحدة الثالثة Our classroom كتاب الكلاسبوك وكتاب الانشطة . وفقا لارقام الصفحات الفصل
الدراسي الأول
Our classroom
Vocabulary chair, desk, door, floor, teacher, wall, whiteboard, window
Grammar What’s this?, It’s a ... .
The book is on the chair. / The pens are on the floor. / The pens are
in the pot. / The cat is under the desk
Cognitive skills
• to listen carefully, attend to and take account of what others say
• to stay engaged and focused on short tasks, to not get distracted
• to use own ideas for doing creative activities like colouring, drawing and
building to represent vocabulary and familiar concepts
• to understand the steps needed to complete the activity
• to say if they feel happy with what they have done
• to guess words from illustrations in storybooks
• to say whether or not they like a story, song or game
• to take turns in shared activities
• to share space and objects
• to explore different materials and decide what to use
• to match objects, people, letters, pronunciations and words
• to draw pictures to represent vocabulary and familiar concepts
• to find uses for created objects or contents (e.g. in a play, story or game)
• to listen and respond physically to songs, rhymes, chants
• to respond appropriately to questions
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أهلا بك في موقع عُمان التعليمية - نرحب بنشر تعليقاتك البناءة و مساهماتك الطيبة - دائما نستمع بإهتمام لطلباتكم وآرائكم .. بالتوفيق