حل الوحدة الخامسة Hobbies انجليزي كامبردج الصف الرابع الفصل الثاني

 وفقا لمنهج الانجليزي الجديد الصف الرابع الفصل الدراسي الثاني هذا حل جميع دروس الوحدة الخامس  Hobbies 2024


الوحدة الخامسة Hobbies انجليزي كامبردج الصف الرابع الفصل الثاني

Vocabulary Hobbies and Sports:

  • Build a robot
  • Dress up
  • Go fishing
  • Go sailing
  • Go windsurfing
  • Kick
  • Knit
  • Play board games
  • Play chess
  • Play computer games
  • Sew
  • Skip

Adverbs of Manner:

  • Badly
  • Carefully
  • Easily
  • Loudly
  • Quickly
  • Quietly
  • Well
  • Slowly


  • Expressing agreement and disagreement
  • Talking about preferences
  • Initiating activities with phrases like "What shall we do?"
  • Responding with preferences like "Not really. I'd rather (play chess)."


  • Demonstrate awareness of intonation patterns.
  • Respond to suggestions and requests.
  • Identify characters and actions in a story.
  • Listen and join in with songs, chants, etc.
  • Understand the overall meaning of short, simple texts.
  • Respond to factual and literal questions.
  • Identify core vocabulary.
  • Respond to referential questions based on listening texts.
  • Identify key information in short, simple conversations/dialogues.


  • Talk about abilities and lack of abilities.
  • Express likes and dislikes.
  • Make offers.
  • Accurately reproduce modeled language.
  • Use correct stress, rhythm, and intonation.
  • Use basic language structures.
  • Express ideas using a range of familiar words and phrases.
  • Retell simple stories and personal experiences.
  • Ask and answer questions on familiar topics.
  • Participate in short, simple interactions.
  • Recite songs, rhymes, chants, etc.
  • Act out part of a picture story or short dialogue.


  • Decode unfamiliar words using phonemic awareness.
  • Read frequently encountered words with ease.
  • Recognize the effect of punctuation.
  • Read and understand short, simple texts.
  • Identify familiar words and key information.
  • Answer factual questions.
  • Extract details and specific information.
  • Make basic inferences.
  • Identify connections between short phrases.


  • Complete forms with basic personal details.
  • Complete phrases or sentences with missing words.
  • Write simple sentences describing pictures or activities.
  • Write clearly formed letters and words.
  • Use phonological awareness and blending strategies.
  • Construct sentences and questions.
  • Write high-frequency words correctly.
  • Write legibly and neatly.
  • Copy words, phrases, and sentences accurately.

Cognitive Skills:

  • Express basic likes/dislikes and agreement/disagreement.
  • Find uses for created objects or contents.
  • Understand the steps needed to complete activities.
  • Recognize when a task has been completed.
  • Express satisfaction or dissatisfaction with completed tasks.
  • Try to help solve a problem in the group.
  • Explore different materials and decide what to use.
  • Express preferences for stories, songs, or games.
  • Draw basic pictures to represent vocabulary and concepts.
  • Participate in drama-based activities.
  • Take the role of familiar people in activities.
  • Listen and respond physically to songs, rhymes, etc.
  • Use own ideas for creative activities.
  • Stay engaged and focused on tasks.
  • Match objects, people, letters, pronunciation, and words.
  • Guess words from illustrations.
  • Recognize differences between a story and a fact.
  • Understand and carry out basic instructions.
  • Take personal responsibility for contributions to a group task.
  • Make eye contact and use inclusive gestures and posture.
  • Engage with others to make sense of surroundings.
  • Observe rules of games and take turns in shared activities.
  • Share space and objects.
  • Listen carefully and attend to what others say.


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