حل اسئلة وحدة Welcome back انجليزي الصف الخامس منهج جديد فصل أول

 كتاب الطالب والنشاط - حل اسئلة وحدة Welcome back انجليزي الصف الخامس منهج جديد فصل أول


حل اسئلة وحدة Welcome back انجليزي الصف الخامس منهج جديد فصل أول


Language Learning Outcomes


  • Detect a story sequence.
  • Listen and understand the overall meaning of simple texts on familiar topics.
  • Follow speech that is very slow and carefully articulated, with long pauses to grasp the meaning.
  • Listen and identify some details in simple texts on familiar topics.
  • Listen and identify familiar words and phrases in simple texts on familiar topics.
  • Identify core vocabulary.
  • Extract information to accomplish a task.


  • Recite songs, rhymes, and tongue twisters individually and chorally.
  • Talk about self, family, or immediate environment.
  • Ask and answer simple questions.
  • Describe a sequence of events.
  • Respond verbally to direct questions.
  • Accurately reproduce modelled language.
  • Participate in simple interactions on familiar topics.
  • Describe someone's physical appearance.


  • Read familiar material with correct intonation and pronunciation.
  • Read and understand the overall meaning of simple short texts on familiar topics.
  • Understand the correct sequence of events in a simple story.


  • Use capital letters and basic punctuation (period, question mark) correctly.
  • Spell frequently used words correctly.
  • Label objects and visuals.
  • Write simple sentences describing pictures, drawings, or activities.
  • Write simple sentences about self, family, and immediate environment.


Appearance: curly hair, straight hair, dark hair, fair hair, long hair, short hair, a beard, a moustache.


Present simple with when/before/after.


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