عشرة قواعد ذهبية تعلم نطق الانجليزية بسهولة ويسر

Rule 1:  When the suffix “full” is added to a word, one “ I” is removed.

Faith + full = faithful
Use + full = useful

Rule 2: If the word to which the suffix “full” is added ends in “ll”, one “I” is removed from the word also.

Skill +full = skilful
Will + full = wilful

Rule 3:  Words of two or three syllables ending in single vowel + single consonant double the final consonant if the last syllable is stressed. Eg-

 Permit + ed = permitted
Occur + ing = occurring
Control + ed = controlled
Begin + ing = beginning

Rule 4: Consonant ‘L’ is doubled in the words ending in single vowel + “I” before a suffix beginning with a vowel eg.

Signal + ing = signalling
Repel + ent = repellent
Quarrel + ed = quarrelled
Travel + er = traveller

Rule 5: Words ending in silent “e”, drop the “e” before a suffix beginning with a voweleg.

Hope + ing = hoping

Live + ed = lived
Drive + er = driver
Tire + ing = tiring

Rule 6: If the suffix begins with a consonant “e” is not dropped e.g

Hope + full = hopeful
Sincere + ly = sincerely


True + ly = truly
Nine + th = ninth
Argue + ment = argument

Rule 7:  A final “y” following a consonant changes to “i” before a suffix except “ing”. Eg.

Carry + ed = carried
Happy + ly = happily
Marry + age = marriage
Beauty + full = beautiful


Marry + ing = marrying
Carry + ing = carrying

Rule 8:  A final “y” following a vowel does not change before a suffix. Eg:

Obey + ed = obeyed
Play + er = player
Pray + ed = prayed

Rule 9: When the suffix “ous” is added to a word ending in “ce”, “e” is changed to “i”.

Space + ous = spacious
Vice + ous = vicious
Malice + ous = malicious
Grace + ous = gracious

Rule 10: When the suffix “ing” is added to a word ending in “ie”, “ie” is changed to “y”.

Lie + ing = lying
Die + ing = dying
Tie + ing = tying

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