برزنتيشين قصير عن السلطان قابوس رحمه الله Qaboos bin Said

Qaboos bin Said  18 November 1940 – 10 January 2020) was the Sultan of Oman from 23 July 1970 until his death. A fifteenth-generation descendant of the founder of the House of Al Said,  he was the longest-serving leader in the Middle East and Arab world at the time of his death. 

The only son of Sultan Said bin Taimur of Muscat and Oman, Qaboos was educated in England. After graduating from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, he served briefly in the British Army. He returned to Oman in 1966 and was the subject of considerable restrictions from his father. In 1970, Qaboos ascended to the Omani throne after overthrowing his father in a coup d'état, with British support. The country was subsequently re-named the Sultanate of Oman.

As Sultan, Qaboos implemented a policy of modernization and ended Oman's international isolation.  His reign saw a rise in living standards and development in the country, the abolition of slavery, the end of the Dhofar Rebellion and the promulgation of Oman's constitution. Suffering from poor health in later life, Qaboos died in 2020. He had no children, so he named his cousin Haitham bin Tariq his heir.

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21 تعليقات

  1. الردود
    1. رحمك الله ي مولانا السطان قابوس بن سعيد عظم الله ثراهه🌚😔💔.

    2. الله يرحمه ويسكنه فسيح جناته يا رب سلطان عُمان و سلطان القلوب

    3. رحمك الله يا قلبي

    4. ربي يحفظك من كل شر ❤️

    5. الله يرحمه

    6. رحمه الله وأسكنه الفردوس الاعلى من الجنة

    7. رحمة الله يا مولانا سلطان قابوس بن سعيد بن تيمور 👐😭💔

    8. الله يرحمه ويغفر له

  2. الله يرحمه ويغفر له ويسكنه فسيح جناته ويثبته عند السؤال حبيبي قابوس

  3. الله يرحمك بابا قابوس

  4. لازال ينبض في عروقي كل ما ذكر اسمه او لاحت لي صورته رحمك الله ياحبيبي القلوب

  5. الله يرحمك بابا قاابووس

  6. الله يرجمك و يدخلك الجنه امين
    يا ربي احفظه هو من بنا وطننا و شيده باحسن حال
    يا ربي ادخله جنه الفردوس عند الرسل و الملائكه
    انت ابونا الثاني يا سيدي قابوس ... نجن نفتقدك

  7. رحمك بن سعيد رحمك الله ياعيون الشعب وقلب الشعب العماني
    طبت وطاب مرقدك في الجنان جنه نعيم ورضوان ورب غير غضبان
    ،،،،،، يارحمان اللهم آمين......

  8. رحمه الله تغشاك يا سيدي

  9. الله يرحمه ويغفرله يارب العالمين


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