اختبار قصير انجليزي للصف الثاني عشر الفصل الاول

Short test one for grade 12A - 2020/2021


Read the text. Then complete the tasks. ( 5 marks )
Roald Dahl has been a pioneer in writing novels for children which even seem to interest an
adult reading audience as well. One of his best-known novels is 'Matilda', which was
published in 1988.
This story is about Matilda Wormwood, an extraordinary child with special abilities. Very
early on, Matilda discovers her love of books, and by the age of three, she has taught
herself to read. She does this by borrowing books and cassettes from the local library. By
the time she is five, she has read all the children's stories they have. She would much
rather read in her bedroom than waste time watching television in the living-room. Her
parents are nasty, ignorant people, who are unaware of her intelligence, ignore her, and
give all their love to their son.

It is not until Matilda attends school that someone her favourite teacher, Miss 'Jenny'
Honey - finally appreciates Matilda's ability. However, things don't become any easier for
her there. She has to learn to survive in a place ruled by the frightening and cruel
headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, who calls her "a horrible little worm". Matilda has to learn to
be brave and defend herself, but she succeeds in the end.
What is remarkable about this story, in my opinion, is its heart-warming portrayal of a
little girl who learns to stand up for herself and for her love of knowledge. The story also
highlights the joy and the value of finding a good and kind teacher, as Matilda did.
Moreover, in 'Matilda', Dahl criticizes parents who oppress their children, set them a bad
example, and behave in ways that have negative effects on their development. Matilda is
often insulted by her parents because she is a girl and cannot help them in their business.
In the end, Matilda's parents are dealt with harshly! They meet a terrible fate, like so many
adult characters in Roald Dahl's books!
This story is a child's vision from start to finish. Children in Dahl's stories are never
wrong! He believes that badness leads to a fall and that the good win in the end as long
as you are brave and fight for your beliefs. This is a serious point for the reader, but the
good thing about Dahl is that manages to convey his message in such a humorous way.
His descriptions are so funny that I often laughed out loud!
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أهلا بك في موقع عُمان التعليمية - نرحب بنشر تعليقاتك البناءة و مساهماتك الطيبة - دائما نستمع بإهتمام لطلباتكم وآرائكم .. بالتوفيق