انجليزي للصف الثاني المنهج الجديد together Oman 2023 حل كتاب النشاط والطالب لدرس Where’s my pen
Where’s my pen
Learning outcomes
Listening • Develop an awareness of intonation patterns when listening
• Listen and understand familiar words and set phrases in very short and simple texts on familiar
• Listen and understand the overall meaning of very short and simple texts on familiar topics
• Listen and respond appropriately to peers and adults
• Listen to rhymes, chants and songs and sing them
• Respond to factual questions
• Identify core vocabulary
Speaking • Articulate words in connected speech
• Pronounce learned words using correct stress and intonation
• Recite songs and rhymes individually and chorally
• Name familiar objects
• Describe familiar objects
• Respond verbally to direct questions, instructions and visual inputs
• Act out parts of a picture story using simple actions and words
• Ask and answer simple questions on familiar topics
Reading • Follow words, phrases and sentences in English from left to right
• Read the most common high frequency words
• Recognise the effect of word spacing and simple punctuation when reading
• Read and re-read very short and simple texts
• Read and understand the overall meaning of very short, simple texts with the help of pictures
Writing • Write correctly formed letters and words moving from left to right using four lines
• Use segmenting strategies to write new words
• Write lower and upper case letters legibly
• Write phrases/sentences using spacing, capitalisation and full stops
• Spell frequently used words correctly
• Write very short, simple sentences on familiar topics
• Write short, simple descriptive texts on familiar topics if provided with key words and
supported by pictures
Key competences
Linguistic competence: use language as an instrument for communication (L. 1–7)
Mathematical, scientific and technological competences: count to ten (L. 2 and 7) use numbers to complete an
activity (L. 1 and 3)
Digital competence: use Class Book and Activity Book eBook (L. 1–7)
Social and civic competences: learn to be creative (L. 2 and 5); learn to ask for things politely (L. 6)
Cultural awareness and expression: express Omani identity (L. 5)
Learning to learn:reflect on what has been learnt and self-evaluate progress (L. 1–7) using: previous knowledge (L. 1);
following instructions (L. 1–7); personalisation of language learnt (L. 5 and 7)
Initiative and entrepreneurship: choose topic for the project (L. 5)
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أهلا بك في موقع عُمان التعليمية - نرحب بنشر تعليقاتك البناءة و مساهماتك الطيبة - دائما نستمع بإهتمام لطلباتكم وآرائكم .. بالتوفيق