The Omani National Day marks a momentous chapter in the Omani people's history, paying tribute to the bravery of our forebearers and their resolute dedication to safeguarding our cherished nation.
It serves as a poignant reflection that our homeland's soil has been enriched by the sacrifice of heroes. Annually, on this significant day, we affirm our belief that true honor is intertwined with the land, and without it, there is no genuine homeland for humanity.
In the absence of one's homeland, an individual becomes a stranger wherever they roam.
On the Omani National Day, our hearts brim with elation, witnessing the radiant transformation our country has undergone since the departure of occupiers, ensuring a peaceful and secure life for its residents.
We behold a landscape free from covetous invaders who prioritized their interests, regardless of our people's well-being. These invaders experienced the unwavering spirit and resilience of our nation, leading to their departure in a state of humility, subjected to us.
We pledge to be the perpetual guardians of our land, solemnly declaring to our homeland, "O, our land, we vow to protect you always."
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