جديد كامبردج عمان حل اسئلة كتاب الكلاس بوك والنشاط حل الوحدة السادس Our town انجليزي الصف الرابع الفصل الثاني 2024
Unit Objectives: To talk about places in the local area.
Vocabulary - Places in the Local Area:
- Bridge
- Bus stop
- Café
- Car park
- Clothes shop
- Hotel
- Market
- Mosque
- Shopping mall
- Square
- Train station
- Zoo
- Ancient
- Busy
- Cheap
- Expensive
- Modern
- Noisy
- Quiet
- Safe
Grammar Functions:
- Simple past questions and sentences (was/were)
- Affirmative and negative sentences with "There was/were"
- Recommendations and conclusions drawing
- Expressing likes/dislikes and making recommendations (e.g., "What ...the...at was I like? It was busy. You should see it. How was it? It was noisy.")
- Demonstrate awareness of intonation patterns
- Respond to suggestions and requests
- Identify characters and actions in a story
- Listen and understand the overall meaning of short, simple texts
- Respond to factual and literal questions
- Identify core vocabulary
- Respond to referential questions based on aural texts
- Identify key and specific information in short, simple conversations/dialogues
- Respond verbally to direct questions, suggestions, and visual input
- Accurately reproduce modeled language
- Articulate words and sentences using correct stress, rhythm, and intonation
- Use basic language structures when speaking
- Express ideas using a range of familiar words, set phrases, and expressions
- Retell simple stories, personal experiences, and events
- Ask and answer questions on familiar topics
- Participate in short, simple interactions
- Articulate sounds and isolated word forms and connected speech using correct pronunciation
- Recite songs, rhymes, chants, and tongue twisters individually and chorally
- Sing a basic song, rhyme, and chant from memory
- Act out part of a picture story, short dialogue, or role play
- Decode unfamiliar words using phonemic awareness
- Read frequently encountered words with ease
- Recognize the effect of punctuation when reading
- Read and understand the overall meaning of short, simple texts on familiar topics
- Read and identify familiar words, set phrases, and key information in short, simple factual texts
- Answer factual questions about reading material
- Extract factual details and specific information in short texts
- Make basic inferences from simple information in short texts
- Complete a phrase or sentence by supplying the missing word
- Write simple sentences describing pictures, drawings, or activities using words from a list
- Write clearly formed letters and words
- Use phonological awareness and blending strategies to write new words
- Construct sentences and questions using correct spacing, capitalization, question marks, apostrophe/simple contractions, and full stops based on a model
- Write high-frequency words correctly
- Write legibly and neatly letters in script
- Copy words, phrases, and sentences accurately
- Maintain appropriate spacing between letters in a word and between words
- Spell frequently used words correctly
- Write basic, single-clause sentences given a model
Cognitive Skills:
- Find uses for created objects or contents
- Understand the steps needed to complete the activity
- Express satisfaction or dissatisfaction with completed tasks
- Try to help solve a problem in the group
- Explore different materials and decide what to use
- Express preferences for stories, songs, or games
- Draw basic pictures to represent vocabulary and familiar concepts
- Participate in drama-based activities allowing for personal interpretation
- Participate in activities taking the role of familiar people
- Listen and respond physically to songs, rhymes, chants, and jingles
- Use own ideas for creative activities like coloring, drawing, and building to represent vocabulary and familiar concepts
- Stay engaged and focused on short tasks, does not get distracted
- Match objects, people, letters, pronunciation, and words
- Guess words from illustrations in storybooks
- Recognize differences between a story and a fact
- Understand and carry out basic instructions for class/school
- Take personal responsibility for one's own contribution to a group task
- Make eye contact with group members
- Use gesture and posture inclusively (e.g., sit in a circle, look at other children, wave to other children, point to where they could set)
- Engage with others to make sense of things around them
- Observe rules of games when playing with other children
- Take turns in shared activities
- Share space and objects
- Listen carefully, attend to, and take account of what others say
Key Competences:
- Linguistic competence: Use language as an instrument for communication.
- Mathematical, science, and technological competences: Order pictures and sentences to complete a task.
- Digital competence: Use Class Book and Activity Book eBook.
- Social and civic competences: Learn to be creative; Be collaborative; Raise awareness of social skills and empathy.
- Cultural awareness and expression: Raise awareness of cultural similarities and differences.
- Learning to learn: Reflect on what has been learned and self-evaluate progress; Use previous knowledge; Follow instructions; Personalization of language learned.
- Initiative and entrepreneurship: Choose a topic for the project.
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