حل الوحدة السابعة انجليزي الصف الرابع الفصل الثاني The history of Oman

 منهج كامبردج الجديد عمان الصف الرابع الفصل الدراسي الثاني حل الوحدة السابعة انجليزي الصف الرابع الفصل الثاني The history of Oman


The history of Oman

Understand game(; or story ,play a in .e.g) contents or objects created for uses Find
they what with happy feel they if Say activity; the complete to needed steps the
been has task a if Say completed; been has task a when done;Recognize have
materials different Explore group; the in problem a solve help to Try well; completed
,game or ,song ,story a like they whether Say projects(;) use to what decide and
represent to pictures basic Draw choice/prefer

ence; their for reasons give and
allow which activities based drama in Participate concepts; familiar and vocabulary
of role the taking involve that activities in Participate interpretation; personal for
jingles; and chants ,rhymes ,songs to physically respond and Listen people; familiar
to building and drawing ,colouring like activities creative doing for ideas OWn Use
short on focused and engaged Stay concepts; familiar and vocabulary represent
and pronunciation ,letters ,people ,objects Match distracted; get not does ,tasks
differences the Recognize storybooks; in illustrations from words Guess words;
/class for instructions basic out carry and Understand fact; a and story a between
Make task; group a to contribution own one's for responsibility personal Take school;
a in sit .e.g) inclusively posture and gesture Use members; group with contact eye
set(; could they where to point ,children other to wave ,children other at look ,circle
games of rules Observe them; around things of sense make to others with Engage
and space Share activities; shared in turns Take children; other with playing when
say others what of account take and to carefully,attend Listen objects



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